Sapphire San looks so ladylike doesn’t she! She comes for the Märchen parasol and sweets tower. By the way, ‘Märchen’ means folk tale/fairy tale, which explains the new sweets garden (sorta like the gingerbread house in Hansel & Gretel) and the sweets items. She seems to always turn up with Sebasu San in tow, but leaves slightly earlier than him. She seems to have a preference for deluxe tuna bitz.

Sapphire San profile neko atsume

Physical characteristic: Siamese (cat)

Personality: (literally lady in a box) a girl who has led a sheltered life

Treasure: a favourite collection of poems – although the written contents are not understood, there are beautiful cat illustrations.

Sapphire San treasure neko atsume

Sapphire San under the Märchen parasol with Sebasu San:

Märchen parasol Jeeves Sapphire Neko Atsume

Sapphire San on the sweets tower with Sebasu San:

Sapphire Jeeves sweets tower neko atsume

Don’t you think they look like the groom and bride dolls on top of a wedding cake? Well except that he has a towel over his arm like a butler hahaha.