
Neko Atsume guide

All about Neko Atsume


special cat

みかづきさん/Mikazuki San/Hermeowne

Mikazuki San comes for the egg night bed, perching on top of out even when other cars are inside. Could the Japanese name have something to do with Mikazuki Munechika? Hermeowne of course is from Hermione (Harry Potter). I had bonito bitz out when she came.

Mikazuki San hermeowne neko atsume


Personality: quiet / docile

Physical characteristic: wizard hat

Memento: small glass bottle – there is soft and tiny powder inside

しのぶさん Shinobu San / Whiteshadow

Shinobu San seems to like sashimi and the deluxe tuna bitz. He doesn’t play with the items but appears somewhere in the background.

shinobu san whiteshadow profile

Personality: elusive

Physical characteristic: ninja outfit

Top 3 goods: scouting duties, espionage activities

Memento: origami shrunken- a shuriken folded very nicely with Japanese paper.

shinobu memento.png

Shinobu San in the normal garden:

Shinobu garden

Shinobu San in zen style garden:

Shinobu San in the rustic garden:

Shinobu San in the modern garden:

Shinobu San in the Sugary style garden:


Whiteshadow in Western garden:

Whiteshadow in the cafe:


ろじゃーさん Roger San / Bengal Jack

I much prefer Bengal Jack’s Japanese name – Roger, which I think is more appropriate for a pirate 🙂

roger bengal jack

Personality: tendency towards water

Physical characteristic: pirate

Treasure: an old map – a discolored goat skin map

roger bengal jack treasure
Roger comes for the red treasure chest and seems to like Bonito Blitz.

I find it funny when there’s a cat in the red treasure chest, it looks like Roger “discovered” cat treasure! Haha


せばすさん Sebasu San / Jeeves

I think Sebasu is short for Sebastian, which seems like a typical ‘Japanese English’ name for a butler…hahah. He always seems to appear with Sapphire San, and stays slightly longer than her.

Sebasu San Jeeves profile neko atsume

Physical characteristic: side parting

Personality: lightning speed

Treasure: a silver pocket watch – a wind up type pocket watch. Although it’s an antique, it shows the correct time.

Sebasu San Jeeves treasure neko atsume

Here is Sebasu San with Sapphire San under the Märchen parasol:

Märchen parasol Jeeves Sapphire Neko Atsume

And here he is with her again on the sweets tower:

Sapphire Jeeves sweets tower neko atsume



さふぁいあさん Sapphire San / Sapphire

Sapphire San looks so ladylike doesn’t she! She comes for the Märchen parasol and sweets tower. By the way, ‘Märchen’ means folk tale/fairy tale, which explains the new sweets garden (sorta like the gingerbread house in Hansel & Gretel) and the sweets items. She seems to always turn up with Sebasu San in tow, but leaves slightly earlier than him. She seems to have a preference for deluxe tuna bitz.

Sapphire San profile neko atsume

Physical characteristic: Siamese (cat)

Personality: (literally lady in a box) a girl who has led a sheltered life

Treasure: a favourite collection of poems – although the written contents are not understood, there are beautiful cat illustrations.

Sapphire San treasure neko atsume

Sapphire San under the Märchen parasol with Sebasu San:

Märchen parasol Jeeves Sapphire Neko Atsume

Sapphire San on the sweets tower with Sebasu San:

Sapphire Jeeves sweets tower neko atsume

Don’t you think they look like the groom and bride dolls on top of a wedding cake? Well except that he has a towel over his arm like a butler hahaha.

ゆきねこさん Yuki Neko San / Frosty

Yuki Neko San came for winter! Yuki means snow. Yuki Neko San mainly comes for the Shirayuki (white snow) zabuton. Yuki Neko San likes sashimi but will also come for Frisky Bitz. From my experience, Yuki Neko San likes it when there’s snow in the garden.

yuki neko san profile neko atsume
Yuki Neko San

Physical characteristic: straw coat (search minoboushi to find out more if you like)

Personality: brittle / fragile

Treasure: snowman that doesn’t melt – a snowman that totally doesn’t look like it will melt although when you touch it it feels cold.

yuki neko san treasure neko atsume

Here’s Yuko Neko San on the shirayuki zabuton.

Yuki Neko San on Shirakyuki zabuton

When Yuki Neko San is indoors he doesn’t have the straw coat on.

Here’s Yuki Neko San on the thick cool cushion.

Yuki Neko San on thick cool cushion neko atsume
Yuki Neko San on thick cool cushion

Yuki Neko San in the drawers/shelves with Japanese vases.

Yuki Neko San on the Large size cool mat.

Yuki Neko San L size cool mat

Yuki Neko San on the marble pad:

yuki neko san natural stone plate neko atsume

Yuki Neko San hanging out in the neko chigura (basket case) and still in the minoboushi:

yuki neko san chigura basket case neko atsume

Here is Yuki Neko San on the yellow zabuton.

Yuki Neko San on the Sakura zabuton:

I heard Yuki Neko San comes for the chirimen zabuton, momiji zabuton and blizzard tent but I haven’t verified it.

キッドさん Kid San / Billy the Kitten

Kid San is awfully cute! It’s funny cause when you type in katakana to get his name, you have to type ‘kiddo’. LOL.


Physical characteristic: neckerchief

Personality: nihilistic

Treasure: antique coin – an old beautiful coin with carving. Both sides of the coin look the same.


He comes for the Western hat.

Kid San train
Kid San Western hat

たてじまさん Tatejima San / Joe DiMeowgio

Tatejima (vertical stripes) San looks like he’s wearing a Hanshin Tigers uniform. I read on Neko Atsume’s twitter feed that many people misunderstand that he’s holding a baseball bat, it’s actually a microphone! Tatejima San comes to the neko atsume garden to…stare at the baseball. hahaha.

Tatejima San profile neko atsume
Tatejima San profile

Physical characteristic: vertical stripes

Personality: enthusiastic

Treasure: signed ball – a baseball that looks like it’s been autographed on

Tatejima San treasure neko atsume
Tatejima San treasure

Here’s Tatejima San looking at the baseball –

Tatejima San baseball neko atsume
Tatejima San baseball

ながぐつさん Nagagutsu San / Senor Don Gato

Is Nagagutsu San the neko atsume version of puss in boots? Could very well be since Nagagutsu (literally long shoes) means boots. Nagagutsu San only comes for the mouse wand toy thingy.

Nagagutsu San profile neko atsume
Nagagutsu San profile

Physical characteristic: small moustache

Personality: strategist

Treasure: a hat with feather – a small beautiful hat with a water bird feather

Nagagutsu San treasure neko atsume
Nagagutsu San treasure

Here’s Nagagutsu San looking all dashing with his sword through the mouse toy!

Nagagutsu San nezumi san neko atsume
Nagagutsu San nezumi san

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